To queens and kings

We cling
We,  the puppets on the string
They pull our cords
To keep us on board
While we listen to warlords
They push us to each side
From the left to the right
Their aim is to divide
From communism
To capitalism
Causing racism and dualism
A created situation
Their manipulation
Causing wars and starvation

It is our decision
To create a new vision:
To step past division and collision

The dream that I dream is a government that looks past division.
See what happened after 9/11 it is all about creating situations where we see each other as the enemy. The whole immigration problem has also been created.
When we fight with each other we forget to see what is really going on in front of our face.
It is time to realize that we are the creators, we need to take back our own power and see each other as a companion in life.

Marck Wauck, meaning in History 10-11-18… “The Russia hoax as contingency plan”
Kauilapele’s Blog

Mark Wauck, American thinker 10-10-18… “Trump, declassification, and leverage”
Kauilapele’s Blog

And we know VIDEO 10-13-18.. “SerialBrain2: ‘The maestro – come fly with me Rosenstein”
Kauilapele’s Blog

Headlines and Updates for October 13, 2018; Smoke and mirrors (Videos)
Starship Earth: The Big Picture

Our secret reality revealed and our escape to ultimate freedom (Videos)
Starship Earth: The Big Picture

The purge is here: Hundreds of Political Social Media pages deleted without warning
Activist Post

The information terrorists
Activist Post

Meet the Finance Professor exposing rigged markets one Academic Paper at a time

Pakistan initiates mass crackdown on Soros funded NGOs
Covert Geopolitics

This is getting really ugly, please be aware that we must not fight each other, don’t engage in rage and fear. At times it s really difficult to look past the things that are happening, be aware and find out for yourselves what feels good, what is important for you. I do try to talk about political stuff, but if you have the feeling that it will only escalate in a dividing game, it doesn’t help. We are allowed to have our own opinion but we must respect the opinion of others.
“Bring your rage”: Brooklyn witches to hex Kavanaugh, rapists and patriarch in Occult ritual

President Trump remarks – Interagency task force against Human Trafficking…

Other News:
Situation Update
Portal 2012

Channeling the Federation of Light – by Blossom Goodchild October 12, 2018
Blossom Goodchild