Never judge someone by their appearance
You know nothing about their experience
Or about their knowledge
You might be astonished!

Don’t argue how to live in a system
Or about what is “real” wisdom
Don’t discuss how a life is fulfilling
Or when It is worth living

We may misinterpret
How ones life has to be led
Our life is not  “right or wrong”
We all sing a different tune in the same song

We are very good in judging ourselves and others! The problem is that we don’t know what is going on in someone’s life.

What do the lives of many ‘famous’ people look like?. What we see and hear about is just a very small part of their living conditions. It is the same in the political arena. Even if we believe that we know who “the good guys” are and who are “the bad guys”, we don’t have a clue  in what how they live. There are many people who do ‘evil’ things but they (and their families) may be mind controlled, blackmailed or threatened.

Benjamin Fulford 10-15-18… “The fall of the Zionist house of Saud plus possible  coup attempt in Russia”
Kauilapele’s Blog

NATO coordinates information war on Russia

Did Saudis, CIA fear Khashoggi 9/11 bombshell?

That SpaceX Rocket launch… like a terrorist event prevented (Video)
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The new generation of Flight: Hypersonic missiles and glide vehicles & DEWs used on Tyndall AFB in Florida (Videos)
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Facebook, Google declare all pro-liberty speech to be “political spam” or “Russian bots” as pretext to censor conservatives
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Facebook purge: Here is the list of pages deleted by Facebook

Federal Reserve has declared economic war on America in order to destroy Trump
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James Comey and the unending Bush torture scandal

“Someone is not telling the truth”: Fusion GPS founder “In real legal jeopardy” according to GOP lawmaker

Loved this MEFA!
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The eye – huge database of all things conspiracy

The C.I.A.’s darkest secret operation (Video)

Ancient Aliens: Was JFK silenced? (Season 12, Episode 9) History

The connection between intellect and ego & the rise of the Deep State (Video)

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Tumeric kills MRSA superbugs – new research
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Scientists freak out over Pandemic potential of genetically engineered smallpox

Study shows children are still being prescribed opioid pain relievers despite federal warnings against the practice
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Message to the Truthseekers of Earth: Change is upon you (Video)